Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Usability Test

Today in class, I was lucky enough to receive feedback on my web portfolio from three women through a usability test. The first question I asked was, Is the website easy to navigate? Luckily all the women said that it was simple, easy to navigate and visually appealing. The next question I asked was, Was the introduction informative? They all said that they liked my home page which I was very excited about because I thought that maybe it was too much visually but they all really liked it. My "about me" section they said had a little too much text so they suggested I use bullet points to cut it down. My next question for my usability test was, does the web portfolio have a focus? They all seemed to agree that yes it did have a fairly clear focus but the consensus was that I needed to make the Disposable Camera Project and My Photography sections more clearly separated. The last question for my usability test was, on a scale of 0-10, how complete is the site? I can happily say that they all said I was at about a 9 and that I just needed to make some minor adjustments.